Catawba County Tax Auctions (North Carolina)

Finance Departments in Catawba County, NC administer finances for their municipality, often at the county or local level, and they also hold tax auctions. A Catawba County tax auction sells off properties that have unpaid property taxes, often as part of the tax lien and foreclosure process. Finance Departments keep records about property tax payments, including property appraisal values, parcel numbers to look up taxes, and scheduled tax sales. The local Finance Department may also provide information on setting up a property tax payment plan or appealing a property tax assessment, in addition to information on foreclosures and property tax auctions. Information on tax auctions in Catawba County, North Carolina may be available on the Finance Department website.

Hickory Finance Department Hickory NC 76 N Center St 28601 828-323-7417 Suggest Edit

Newton Finance Department Newton NC 401 North Main Avenue 28658 828-465-7400 Suggest Edit

Town and City Halls in Catawba County, NC provide municipal services and preserve important documents, and they may be responsible for property taxes and tax auctions. In a tax auction, the town or city sells off properties that have unpaid property taxes, tax liens, and foreclosures. Town and City Halls keep records on property tax payments, real estate appraisals, parcel numbers, and Catawba County tax sales, and they may provide parcel searches or property maps to look up properties listed in a tax auction. They may also provide property descriptions, tax auction procedures, and restrictions on tax auction purchases. Tax auction information in Catawba County, North Carolina is often available on the Town or City Hall website.

Brookford Town Hall Hickory NC 1700 South Center Street 28602 828-322-4903 Suggest Edit

Catawba Town Hall Catawba NC 102 1st Street Northwest 28609 828-241-2215 Suggest Edit

Claremont City Hall Claremont NC 3288 E Main St 28610 828-459-7009 Suggest Edit

Hickory City Hall Hickory NC 76 North Center Street 28601 828-323-7412 Suggest Edit

Maiden Town Hall Maiden NC 113 West Main Street 28650 828-428-5000 Suggest Edit

Newton City Hall Newton NC 401 North Main Avenue 28658 828-465-7400 Suggest Edit

Clerk Offices in Catawba County, NC maintain public records for a county or local government, including records related to property taxes and tax auctions. In a tax auction, the government sells property with unpaid property taxes that is under a tax lien or in the foreclosure process. Clerk Offices have records on property tax payments, unpaid property taxes, property assessments, parcel numbers, and tax sales. Clerk Offices may also provide parcel searches or property maps to look up properties listed in a Catawba County tax auction, as part of their records on foreclosures and property tax auctions. This Catawba County tax auction information is often available on the Clerk Office website.

Catawba County Clerk of Court Newton NC 100 Government Drive, Dept. A 28658 828-695-6100 Suggest Edit

Hickory City Clerk Hickory NC 76 North Center Street 28601 828-323-7413 Suggest Edit

Maiden Town Clerk Maiden NC 19 North Main Avenue 28650 828-428-5010 Suggest Edit

Sheriff Departments in Catawba County, NC are law enforcement agencies that conduct investigations, stop crimes, and enforce tax rulings, including tax liens and foreclosures. In some jurisdictions, they may play a role in tax auctions, which sell off real estate that has property tax debt. The Sheriff Department may keep records about unpaid property taxes, property tax liens, and any law enforcement actions related to a Catawba County foreclosure or a tax auction. The Sheriff Department may also be responsible for running Catawba County tax auctions, including publicizing upcoming tax auctions and carrying out the sales. Tax auction information in Catawba County, North Carolina may be available on the Sheriff Department website.

Catawba County Sheriffs Office / Catawba County Jail Newton NC 100 Southwest Boulevard, Unit B 28658 828-464-5241 Suggest Edit

Lincoln County Sheriffs Department - Charlie Office Newton NC 2483 North Carolina Highway 16 28658 704-483-7084 Suggest Edit

Treasurer and Tax Collector Offices in Catawba County, NC collect taxes for a county or local government, including property taxes, and they also operate tax auctions. During a tax auction, the Catawba County municipality auctions off properties that have unpaid property taxes, both due to tax liens and the foreclosure process. Treasurers and Tax Collectors maintain records on property Catawba County tax payments, appraisal values, parcel numbers, and tax sales, and they may provide information on setting up a property tax payment plan or appealing a property tax assessment. Tax auction information, including upcoming tax sales, property descriptions, and auction information in Catawba County, North Carolina, may be on the Treasurer and Tax Collector website.

Catawba County Tax Collector's Office Newton NC 25 Government Drive 28658 828-465-8408 Suggest Edit